Cancel a Reservation

Do you have a member that can’t make the class? No problem! You can easily cancel their reservation. 

Click on the calendar icon to take you to the class calendar.

Select which class the member needs to cancel.

You will see a pop-up. Click “view attendance”.

Click the red “x” next to the member that needs to cancel their reservation.

Another pop-up will give you some options. 

You can choose how to refund the member and you can send an email to the member to confirm the cancelation if you’d like. 

Clicking on the Refund Type menu gives you options for refunding the member. You can refund payment, credit member’s account, or do not refund of credit. Choose which one you want. Click the red “remove” button to remove this member from the class. 

You will be taken back to the list of members and you can see that the member has been removed from the class.

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